Friday, August 14, 2009

selling oneself but not by means of prostitution

Bored and work and here I am again putting my twisted, yet very rational thoughts down. I just finished alphabetizing an inventory of school supplies and archiving old files. Jesus Christ I hope I get into grad school next year or I might just die of a brain anurism caused by cerebral neglect.

Yesterday I witnessed a super awkward exchange between two people and it reminded me of how silly it feels when trying to sell yourself; specifically in an interview or in the dating world. This does not have anything to do with prostitution or the sex industry, don't get any ideas. I mean it IS a recession and these things tend to increase in numbers in hard times, but I do have some standards.

Of course, the awkward conversation I am referring to was in the dating world. Oh so painful to be on the outside looking in; knowing full and well that I have had many of those ridiculously- forced conversations so many times. Some of it isn't necessarily trying to sell yourself, but it's this strained "getting to know you" chat where people feel like they need to talk about their personality traits versus just having an easy and fluid conversation.

Basically what I observed/heard/okaaay, eavsdroppped on was a conversation that went something like this: Girl="I spent a bit of time in Spain and they don't eat until 11pm and everyone just stays up late, parties till 4 am, then roll in to work the next day like it's nothing." The response was Guy="Oh my god, I've never been but I would love to go to Spain; I mean, for the past two weeks that has basically been my life and I've just been doing great. Actually, I am so much more friendly when I am hungover." Girl="Yeah, there is so much fun stuff to do in Portland, I just really love this city." Guy="Yeah, I just love this city more and more each day and love the restaurants here, too. I especially love Mexican food like Por Que No." Girl="Really? No way, Por Que No is my absolute favorite!!" And on, and on, and on, and on.....

Christ on a cracker people; all this positivity and relativity makes me want to vomit all over my hipster cowboy boots. I would be really curious to see what would happen if people actually had honest conversations with each other. For instance when they Guy above said that he was "more friendly when hungover" (seriously dude, seriously?), I wish the girl would have really questioned this statement; would have really dug into why this guy is so happy when dehydrated and feeling like shit. His statement sounded like some "opposite-day" gamey bullshit to me. I mean, who really enjoys a hangover? That is why there are numerous things that have been invented to make it GO AWAY.

My point is that I feel like things could be so much cooler and interesting if people were just themselves, myself included. It's hard when you have been conditioned for years to smile and nod at crazy people when they are telling you absurd shit; I feel this is in order not to hurt their feelings or be the catalyst of their psychotic break. I personally don't want to get punched in the face and I strongly feel that this could have happened to me a million times if I said what was actually on my mind most of the time. To be honest or not? Hmm... it's a debate within myself yet to be determined....

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