Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brain Explosion and Other Issues

I have a massive headache and it feels like I just need to pump some water into my brain so that it will float a little better. Then maybe it would not feel like my brains are being slowly pushed out of my skull. Hmmm... I wonder what actually causes headaches. If you know, please share.

So, I am going through quite a crisis in my home life: I have two roommates who absolutely hate each other and both just love me. I try to get them together during calm times and encourage them to get along but it just doesn't work. They stare each other down and won't stay in the same room with each other for more than five minutes. They are constantly stealing one another's food and having spats over where they are going to sit in the living room. It really is getting quite redundant. It's started to make me very aware of dividing my attentions between them, too. I feel like if I spend time with one roommate, then I need to spend equal time with the other roommate so that jealousy doesn't ensue. So frustrating! And just when I think things might be getting better (like we have a few good days/moments), I hear them fighting and have to run over from where ever I am to break it up! I just hope they don't draw blood one day......

What can I say? Kitty and Chloe just have so much love to give and want to give it all to me! I don't understand why we all can't just be one happy family. Cats; they are so Alpha-ish..... all of them! Just Ridiculous. I love them though; they are such fascinating, beautiful and hilarious creatures.

1 comment:

Maggie Casper said...

Oh, Kitty and Chloe. Those two can be so catty.