Monday, December 22, 2008

So Ronery

What do you know? It's Monday night and I am still in Portland with two more days to go. Oh Baby Jesus, please let me make it home. I am particularly sad knowing that a group of my friends are out having drinks right now without me. All of us girls were actually able to get together and they are going to be there while my ass is here. Alone. Bored. and Cold. Boo.

So, I actually made it out of the house today and did some things with friends which was more than I expected. I did conquer the Bolognese! I just finished it and now I can't move off the couch to even clean it up. I made the semi-mistake earlier tonight of taking this guy up on hanging out. This particular fellow and I had been on a few dates and on our third date I realized the chemistry, shit-giving, connection, whatever you want to call it just wasn't there. So, I let him know a little while after my passive aggressive stage of avoiding emails and texts that I just wasn't feeling it. His response? He told me that if I ever wanted to hang out with no pressure, no strings attached, that was no problem. "Awesome" I thought. This could be a bonifide booty call if I feel like having one. That's right.

So, tonight when he wanted to hang out, I invited him over to watch some Mad Men. Turns out, with or without strings, there was nothing there between us. To the point of being pretty damn awkward. Lack of conversation, no laughs at my (obviously) funny jokes, and no desire for a 'bonifide booty call.'

Oh well. I think situations like this are why I end up simply hanging out by myself. It's just easier. Not awkward and/or forced. Why am I in mental health again? Why do I work with people? The other day someone called me a "people person." God, what a joke. I feel like a total misanthrope more than half of the time I have interactions with human kind. Ah well. I'm getting sleepy from spaghetti and must rest my head.

And I'm out.....

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