Monday, November 24, 2008

On a Budget Schmudget

I think there is a line in a 90's song by Everclear (who I find usually pretty LAME) that says something along the lines of "if you say money is the root of all evil you've obviously never been poor." I know that is not the exact line, but it's the concept.

So, true I must say. After working for many years in the mental health field with people who struggle to make ends meet, you find that "therapeutic interventions" can only go so far if basic needs aren't even being met.

That being said, when you find yourself in a financial bind, there are some things that one can do for entertainment that do not cost much money. Exhibit A:

The New 90210: Not only are there new, rich, bitchy, good looking characters to stare at and live vicariously through, but some of the old-golden bitches are back! Brenda is back to her old ways; trying to sleep with Kelly's sloppy seconds AGAIN! My personal favorite thing though is that there is a character who is most definitely classified as the "bitchiest" (and probably the smartest) named Naomi. This makes me proud. Nobody puts Naomi in the corner.

Yes, I know it's trash. Yes, I know the dialogue is HORRIBLE. Yes, I know that it is a show for teens that focuses on fashion and all the girls are rail thin. I know it's bad. But, when my roomie and I watched it once, we were immediate fans! It's total crack. I can't stop staring at the beautiful people with so much money and no REAL problems! I am ashamed of myself and using my budget as an excuse.

Truthfully, I don't really have any other budget ideas I would like to share at this time. I just had to confess my new obsession to something other than a real live human in order to escape the disgusted face they would make at me :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Interviews..... ahhhhh!

So, for the hundreth time (it feels), I had an interview this morning. No matter how much I prepare, it always is nerve wrecking for me. This time, I literally wrote out all the answers to questions that I could have been asked. I felt pretty darn prepared. But, then I get to these things and feel like my head is going to explode. They ask me questions and I end up sounding like an overly-positive-bullshitting buffoon. I mean, how am I supposed to give you a demonstration of how I would utilize my "time management skills" if I don't know what the hell it is I am supposed to be doing in this position, this "pretend" position in my mind? I always walk out of these interviews feeling already defeated; feeling like I didn't answer the questions correctly or with enough detail. Ahhhhhh, the analyzation is driving me crazy......

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yay! I didn't think this would actually happen, but it did! What a wonderful night it was.... I was at my friend Katie's watching her make 12 pounds of potato salad and preparing to go to a local bar to hear the coverage and BAM! Who is on the radio conceding but none other than John McCain! We just started screaming! McCain's speech was quite impressive though; he seems a lot more gracious and supportive of Obama than his supporters.

The scene in Portland was just bubbling over in enthusiasm for our new president. People yelling in the streets, honking their horns, setting off fireworks! We ended up at the Aalto to watch his acceptance speech and have some celebatory drinks; there were plenty of tears shed and strangers clinking beer glasses during and after his amazing speech. It really was quite a beautiful scene. Even for the biggest of cynics....

Monday, November 3, 2008


Why people? Why? She shoots Moose for fun yet does not believe in abortion for rape victims. This is irony if I have ever witnessed it. Moreover, I have way more "foreign policy" experience than this ex-pageant queenie. Ew! She was in a pageant! Do you remember how gross those people were in high school? It's the same deal here folks!

I guess I am just having a reaction to a woman telling me that she really likes Sarah Palin. This female is a pretty intelligent woman at that. I just don't get it.... How can an intelligent woman be down with another woman saying things like "six pack Joe." Or saying things like Obama affiliates with terrorists? Please give me a break. Obama is running for president; do you really think that he would have got the nomination if he "affiliated with terrorists?" That's ridiculous. And on the "six pack Joe" phenomenon, I can somewhat understand trying to relate to people of a different "culture," but this is just blatant dumbing down to the public. But then again, certain members of our public seem to love being dumbed down to. Maybe that says more about them than Sarah Palin. I guess she is just playing the old game. Good for her for being stupid to get votes!

Either way, if Hillary was dead, she would be rolling over in her grave right now.
And seriously? What is up with the hairdo? I am tired of seeing a bee hive in the 21st century. That's right, I am taking stabs anywhere I can.