Monday, November 3, 2008


Why people? Why? She shoots Moose for fun yet does not believe in abortion for rape victims. This is irony if I have ever witnessed it. Moreover, I have way more "foreign policy" experience than this ex-pageant queenie. Ew! She was in a pageant! Do you remember how gross those people were in high school? It's the same deal here folks!

I guess I am just having a reaction to a woman telling me that she really likes Sarah Palin. This female is a pretty intelligent woman at that. I just don't get it.... How can an intelligent woman be down with another woman saying things like "six pack Joe." Or saying things like Obama affiliates with terrorists? Please give me a break. Obama is running for president; do you really think that he would have got the nomination if he "affiliated with terrorists?" That's ridiculous. And on the "six pack Joe" phenomenon, I can somewhat understand trying to relate to people of a different "culture," but this is just blatant dumbing down to the public. But then again, certain members of our public seem to love being dumbed down to. Maybe that says more about them than Sarah Palin. I guess she is just playing the old game. Good for her for being stupid to get votes!

Either way, if Hillary was dead, she would be rolling over in her grave right now.
And seriously? What is up with the hairdo? I am tired of seeing a bee hive in the 21st century. That's right, I am taking stabs anywhere I can.

1 comment:

Maggie Casper said...

I know I sound like a nazi feminist when I say things like this, but it just further shows how much our society is into appearances above all! It aggravates me.