Thursday, October 30, 2008

"He needs to see some poo."

Oh boy today started off weird and it's not even 10 am yet! So, as you may or may not know, Maggie and I live off a very busy road. There is a lot of traffic, not to mention foot traffic. Translation: homeless traffic. We have a very large, awesome backyard that apparently just beckons people to it. So, occasionally the Mags and I will find things like empty food containers or other misplaced items in our backyard the next morning. It's a little creepy for me to realize that there was a stranger right outside my window in the middle of the night. Not so comforting.

As a result of the mini-presents we have been left (mostly garbage and such) we have "encouraged" our landlord to get started on that fence he has been talking about for almost a year now. No matter how many times we have told him about separate instances, there has been no talk/movement on that fence. He has come over and we've talked about "fence lines" but no calls to tell us, "coming over on the blankity blank to build that fence."

Well, this morning I was lounging at the crib and let Cheeky out to play in the yard and noticed that there was a seemingly empty white plastic bag on our sidewalk (to the back door). Well, as I bent down to pick it up I saw poo........... everywhere! It was all over the bag and bit and pieces on the sidewalk. Groooossssssssssssss!

Okay, so my first thought was; someone left their doggie-poo bag in our backyard (versus our accessible trash can) and just haphazardly threw it; then maybe an animal got a hold of it. However it was later that I noticed that our garden hose was not in it's place; where I always leave it. It was just thrown on the sidewalk next to the poo stains. Oh the horror! Someone must have taken a dump in a bag?! Dumped it on our sidewalk?! Tried to clean themselves and/or the poo with the hose?! Oh the horror......

Oh baby Jesus we need a fence. I can't have people taking dumps outside my window while I am slumbering in peace. So, after consulting with the Mags, I am going to call my landlord and see what he wants to do. Maybe mention the fence again for the millionth time. Oh and see if he can clean up the poo stains. I think he need to see some poo.


Unknown said...

Naomi, I think this is payback for all of those poop-dollar tricks you used to play.....

Maggie Casper said...

Let's give him this last chance, and if he doesn't deliver I'm hiring someone to build the fence and sending him the bill. And I may just include some poo with the bill! How you like me now?!

gmatthys said...

poop-dollar tricks??? I think you need to send this blog to your landlord!